Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Self Promotion

It's been a while since I last actually wrote a blog post. I've often tried to get back on top of it to no avail, which leads me to writing this post.

As I'm sure you're all aware we have been in and out of covid induced lockdown for the last year and a bit now. This has meant we have all had to adapt in both life and business. For me personally I got diagnosed with ADHD during it which has had quite an impact on me, for the better I'd like to add. It has also made me aware of many of my strengths and weaknesses. One such weakness is my planning and time management. Now in day to day life I've managed to put some things in place to help with this, however one of the most difficult parts for me to get on top of is social media and promotion for the business. As with most people with ADHD when it's fresh in my head i'll be all over it for a period of time then something will happen that is more urgent and take my mind away from it. 

This is incredibly frustrating as I know exactly what I need to do to advertise my business and promote myself and my products, its just incredibly difficult to translate this knowledge to action. I realise that is probably not the greatest thing to admit to the world at large, however I feel that it is all too easy to think of freelancers and self employed business people to be all screwed together and know exactly what they're doing. This isn't necasserily the case and that's fine we don't have to be good at everything and knowing where we are weakest is a great place to start when looking to progress ourselves. 

Self promotion has always been difficult as it feels a bit alien blowing your own trumpet and telling people how awesome you are. It's bad enough taking compliments sometimes and I'm sure many of you can appreciate that. But and this is a big but it is hugely important as a self employed person to be able to sell yourself and your services/products to customers and clients. It's about knowing your self worth and more importantly believing it.

Now that I have all of that written down I can get to the meat of this post. I am now much more aware of my worth as an illustrator but I'm still not great at blowing my own trumpet. This is where you the reader hopefully come in. Im on the look out for practical tips on self promotion for a self employed illustrator preferrably from an ADHD view point as I know there are a great many people out there in the same boat.

If anyone has any advice or maybe I can help them in a similar way then please do get in touch on :-

All the best folks
Michael (aka The Pickle)


Clumsy Pickle