Saturday, 3 January 2015

Happy New Year

Well its that time of year again folks. 2014 is over and what a year its been. Starting a shop has been massive for us. Yes It's a lot of hard work and no we're not rolling in money from it. That however is not what it's all about. Yes earning enough money to live like kings wouldn't be sniffed at but one of the main points of is 

'I now own my OWN business'

I no longer work for some big organisation, I'm not a minion anymore. I rule my own destiny. 
Now the mere fact that we've made this happen is enough to make me jump somersaults but the fact we have mostly been managing to stay on top of all the bills etc is even better. Of course this can only be improved and expanded on in the new year, with new stock, projects and funky display ideas. 

Setting up a new business takes up a considerable amount of time so all my projects and comics etc have pretty much sat idle over 2014. Hey it's ok I'm good but I'm not superman. What this does mean is that 2015 is the year I plough on ahead with 

1. The Business
2. Project Cornelius
3. The Apple Tree Pirates
4. Secret Project!!!!!

And when I say plough on I really mean it. I've already started putting things into practice I started ages ago and making progress and its only the 3rd of January. 

Basically there is going to be a lot of content appearing on the blog this year covering all the projects with all fancy pictures and everything so keep checking back because this year is going to be BIG!!!!!!!

Clumsy Pickle

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