Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Rise of the Zombot miniatures

I have some more progress on Project Cornelius for you today folks. 
As you may or may not know I have been busy sculpting Zombots and other bits as well as working through the rules lately. I have also been putting a lot of thought into the other models needed for the game. For example the police and general soldiers. To that end I have decided that it would be silly to try reinventing the wheel as there are so many totally awesome miniatures out there already. 
I had a good trawl through the internet and found a some models that fitted perfectly with what I had in mind. After speaking to various companies and getting a few on board I thought I'd share them with you all. Below are the companies that I have been dealing with and if you click on the links you'll see that the models are simply awesome!!
I'll put more details on the blog of exactly which ones are being used for what etc but for now take a look and enjoy.
Clumsy Pickle

Friday, 11 September 2015

Project Cornelius Update

After what seems like an age things are starting to move on more quickly with 'Project Cornelius' both the comic and the game are making some steady progress. The big push at the moment however is on the game. This mainly due to the fact I'm no longer doing it on my own which is awesome. A friend and fellow illustrator/geek Steve Beckett is on board and between us we're charging on ahead. 

Today has been all about sorting through the miniatures needed for the game. To start with at least, I don't plan to sculpt all of the models myself when there are perfectly good examples out there to be had. I'm sculpting Zombots and a few other characters but I'm trying to source other models that can be used for many of the characters. For example the British soldiers are from Black Pyramid Gaming and the police men are from Artizan Miniatures

On top of all this I have been rewriting and adding to the first draft rules which will be at a playable stage very soon. Watch this space for more updates. 

Clumsy Pickle

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Project Cornelius Update

On top of all the commission work I have been doing recently I've been getting back in to the 'Project Cornelius' zone. I have been working through the script for the comic as well as the rules for the game, and they both seem to be coming along quite well. 
Sadly none of this work is particularly great for photos as its all scribbles, word and excel documents. However always one to keep you up to date here is a picture of me holding the notebook lol.

Tonight I'm hoping to sit down with my other unwitting comrade in the project Steve and go through a few bits including the first test of the games combat system. Hopefully the updates will start to pick up speed for you all now. :-)

Clumsy Pickle

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Lincoln Comic Con

Cleethorpes comic con was great last weekend and on the back of that I will be attending Lincoln comic con on Sunday the 20th. It looks like it's going to be epic. So much so that they've had to move to a different venue just to be able to fit everyone in!! So if you're free on the 20th and can get to Lincoln pop along and say hi. 

Clumsy Pickle