Wednesday, 31 July 2013

The New Pickle

Hello Everybody and welcome to the all new Clumsy Pickle website
This is to be the new home of all things Pickle related and is a marked difference from the original site. Due to the importance of social media nowadays I felt that the site needed to be a lot more dynamic and interactive. With this in mind I have moved it over to Blogger as I feel that a blog based site would be much more interesting plus there are lots of cool features on here that I never had before. 
For starters all the images posted will have pinterest buttons and all posts will have social media links etc. 
I will also be incorporating a lot more of my geekier stuff into the Pickle too. Some of you may know me as Elblondino ( which is how this whole endeavour started. I have drawn comics doodled and made models from an early age and it only seems right that a lot more of that side of me comes through into the new site. 
Building this has been fun as I've had to teach myself a lot of code type things which are a little alien to me.  I think they all work but if anybody spots anything please feel free to contact me so I can improve the experience for everyone. 
So without further a do I now announce this site to be open!!!!!!
Clumsy Pickle


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