Monday, 30 November 2015

Christmas Fayre

Got my first Christmas fayre this Friday at the Grimsby Institute which should be a great day. I'll be bringing all the usual goodies, so if you're around pop in and say hi. 

Clumsy Pickle

Friday, 27 November 2015

Black Friday Etsy

I've been busy updating the Etsy shop again today with even more items. Including the below LIA's (Literary Invasion Art) 
Click on the image below to go to the shop. As an added extra pop in the code 'Black Friday' for 10% off any order over £5 and get some unique presents in for christmas.

Clumsy Pickle

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Etsy Shop Update

I've been busy taking new photos and updating the Etsy store today. About half way through it so far with loads more coming tomorrow. Check out the shop for some cool christmas gifts. Click on the banner above to head to the shop.

Clumsy Pickle

Monday, 23 November 2015

Darth Bunny

Here's a commission from last year I thought I'd share with you. It seems only appropriate that Darth Vader should make an appearance with the upcoming episode VII. 
I'm surprised I haven't made more Star Wars bunnies to be honest but there is still plenty of time for that. 
So if you fancy something a little Star Warsy then drop me a message for more info.

Clumsy Pickle

Sunday, 15 November 2015

A Bunnies Not Just For Christmas

The bunny orders have gone a bit nuts lately so I thought I'd build up some stock. Below are pictures of all the ones I currently have ready painted. So if you see something you like drop me a message and I can get them posted out straight away. I can still do any character you like and I'm waiting for some new blank bunnies at the moment so bear with me on commissions.

Clumsy Pickle

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

More Bunny Commissions

I've been busy painting up bunny commissions over the last week or so and thought I'd share this latest batch with you. It's always nice when somebody throws in a random character I've not done before and this batch worked out nicely with a Domino for a change.

Harley Quinn



I've got a few different ones painted up ready at the moment and will pop them up later for you so you can order something different for Christmas pressies.
Clumsy Pickle

Monday, 9 November 2015

Project Cornelius Update

I've been busy working on 'Project Cornelius' lately as well as the ever growing commission list. To make it easier for all of you lovely people to keep up to date with progress and let you have your say I thought I'd resurrect the facebook page. So pop along via the below link and feel free to give it a like. I'll be adding giveaways and all sorts on there over the next few months. 

Clumsy Pickle