Friday, 29 May 2015

The Black Angel

Things have been busy over at the pickle jar as usual with commissions and projects galore. 
One such piece I have to share with you all is an LIA just finished for the Black Angel!!! For those of you who maybe aren't as geeky as the rest of us, the Black Angel was a short film released at the cinema along with The Empire Strikes Back in 1980 and was created by the legendary Roger Christian. Who has worked as art director, assistant director and set designer for most of the Star Wars films as well as Alien and many more great films. 

This was a great fun piece to work on and is now hanging pride of place in the office of the Black Angel team. Being a massive geek it's great to be even a tiny part of something as great as this and if you haven't seen the Black Angel then I highly recommend you take a look at the video below and I've put some links at the bottom.

Clumsy Pickle

Thursday, 14 May 2015


The time has come folks to launch my all new Patreon page!!!!!

If you've been watching me online over the last few weeks you may have seen that I've been organising and building up the bits needed to make a Patreon page. For those of you who don't know 
Patreon is a form of crowdfunding. 
I will be using Patreon as a platform to launch a project that means a lot to me, The Apple Tree Pirates.
The Apple Tree Pirates is an all ages comic based on the meanderings of my now 5yr old daughter Poppy. It follows the exploits of a collection of loveable rogues and is for children and grown ups alike. 

Click on the picture above to be taken through to the page or if you'd like to know more here is a little video from the guys over at Patreon explaining just how it works. 

If you want to know any more then please feel free to contact me on either of the links below or alternatively email on

Clumsy Pickle

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Sunday, 3 May 2015

From the desk this week

It's been a busy week in the pickle jar first of all I've been drawing lots of Star Wars LIA's because don't forget it's Star Wars day tomorrow (May the 4th be with you)

Secondly there have been loads of bunny commissions on the work bench. Avengers characters galore and some funky new ones too. Does anybody recognise them?

I've also been experimenting with some new guys including this little Judge Dredd bunny. I am the bunny law.

Clumsy Pickle